08.29.01 - put the rabbit in the pot and cook her up!
08.28.01 - flap.
08.25.01 - choke.
2001-08-20 - the first night of school
2001-08-19 - Among other things.
08.29.01 - Whee!
2001-08-17 - where are my toes?
2001-08-16 - Can't sleep, Sims will eat me.
2001-08-16 - more than anything, more than life.
2001-08-14 - katankerous.
2001-08-13 - the morning of the dragon.
2001-08-11 - This gap is the grave where the tall return.
2001-08-10 - Yonder's the midden who's odours will madden...
2001-08-09 - All mimsy were the buroughgroves...
2001-08-07 - Broadway is dark tonight.
2001-08-06 - Sweet dreams and flying machines in pieces on the ground.
2001-08-04 - Dancing with Dragons at the Disney Store.
2001-07-31 - Last Will and Testament
2001-07-30 - On the dark side.
2001-07-28 - The landlord's black-eyed daughter...
2001-07-27 - On Stopping, or Not.
2001-07-26 - On the varying benifits of swords and plowshares.
2001-07-25 - Council of war.
2001-07-24 - spiders snakes and lizard's heads, if i tattle-tell I'll die till I'm dead.
2001-07-23 - Falconman will try again tomorrow.
2001-07-23 - does Avon know Soolin is a mutoid?
2001-07-22 - A momentary lapse of reason
2001-07-21 - The adventures of Falconman!
2001-07-19 - Shh. if you don't move, they'll think you're sleeping.
2001-07-18 - periodic tableux.
2001-07-18 - La. la. la la la la.
2001-07-17 - Wheel of Fortune.
2001-07-16 - Somebody said the show was hoopless...
2001-07-14 - Where are you going? Where are you going? Won't you take me with you...
2001-07-12 - Menace him Mr. Caufield!
2001-07-11 - j'aime paris.
2001-07-10 - The road to hell is good for the gander.
2001-07-10 - now, soon, later.
2001-07-09 - Caudelac is Useful and Rediculous.
2001-07-06 - Can't sleep, fleas will eat me.
2001-07-05 - Uncertanty Principle by Q
2001-07-02 - White diaries.
2001-07-02 - In a small moment.
2001-07-07 - Shalom Alechiem.
2001-06-29 - Rhyme in a bottle.
2001-06-29 - There is no Phantom of the Opera!
2001-06-28 - Well don't that beat all!
2001-06-28 - God please destroy me...
2001-06-28 - Everything's Fabulous!
2001-06-27 - That isn't what I meant at all. No, not at all.
2001-06-27 - I'd rather be bleeding.
2001-06-26 - Really Useful Things.
2001-06-25 - dying is an art, like everything else.
2001-06-25 - Shellshock
2001-06-23 - Paris Brennt?
2001-06-23 - Poor Andre
2001-06-21 - twenty-seven dollars and fifteen cents!
2001-06-20 - Pink! Not blue, pink!
2001-06-19 - I hated that job anyway.
2001-06-19 - I'll find my soul as I go on home.
2001-06-18 - moonlight sleeping on a midnight lake.
2001-06-15 - *clicks heels three times*
2001-06-14 - Once upon a time, in the Chambre de Sophia...
2001-06-14 - not a creature was stirring except for a grouse.
2001-06-13 - [insert primal scream here]
2001-06-12 - ja whol!
2001-06-12 - A tall ship and a star to steer her by...
2001-06-11 - my beautiful balloon.
2001-06-11 - urban planning for gypsies.
2001-06-08 - On another note...
2001-06-08 - feathers across your eyelashes, blood and toothpaste!!
2001-06-07 - The way the world ends?
2001-06-06 - We are abandoned by those who still live in fear...
2001-06-05 - Every vanity that blames destiny for it's failure.
2001-06-04 - Come give us a tune on your moley guitar...
2001-07-03 - I sold my soul to Disney.

Darktime, 2001-2002
Harvest, 2001
Burningtime, 2001
Floreal, 2001

Darktime, 2002-2003
Harvest, 2002
Burningtime, 2002
Floreal, 2002
Darktime, 2003-2004
Harvest, 2003
Floreal, 2003
Darktime, 2004-2005
Harvest, 2004
Burningtime, 2004
Floreal, 2004
Darktime, 2005-2006
Harvest, 2005
Burningtime, 2005
Floreal, 2005
Harvest-Darktime, 2006
Burningtime, 2006
Floreal, 2006
Wheelwind, 2010
Wheelwind, 2009
Wheelwind, 2008
Wheelwind 2007
Wheelwind, 2014-2022
Wheelwind, 2013
Wheelwind, 2012
Wheelwind, 2011

Profile. @me. Homepage. DiaryLand